Class Information and Schedule
Easy, Stretchy Yoga Class
When: Monday and Tuesday, 7-8pm.
This is for yogis who like a proper stretch and no sweat! There's lots of calming 'Ujjayi' breathing and letting the body relax and release. Runners and other sports people like this class. If you have backache from sitting for work we can work on that too. If you’re joining from home it would be great if you have a yoga belt for this class. As far as yoga equipment is concerned, that’s the thing to have. For yoga blocks you might have a couple of substantial books on hand or have a small cushion. You’ll figure it out as we go along.
Ashtanga-based Yoga Class
When: Wednesday Evening, 7-8pm
It’s Wednesday, half-way through the week. Re-energise. Ashtanga is a great way to move the body. The older I get, the more of a fan I become. Not for the ego of fancy postures. Simply for the moving and breathing and getting-to-know oneself.
In-person Ashtanga
When: Friday Morning 8.30-9.30am.
An Ashtanga practice is such a lovely way to start your Friday and to welcome in the weekend. It's good for beginners and experienced alike. The vibe will be hushed and meditative and start with a short meditation. After that, in every posture that you hold, you try to return to that meditation feeling. Everyone welcome.
Online Price: £5 per class per household
In-person Price: £10.50 per class per person
Please book and pay for your classes using the online booking page. You can book multiple spaces for the same class (i.e. repeated Monday bookings).