Flying Up and Diving Deep

Flying Up and Diving Deep

Dear Yogis!

I mention Uddiyana Bandha (drawing the navel in) a lot in class, increasingly aware that my belly is less and less toned as the lock-down months continue! Uddiyana Bandha in Ashtanga is used throughout the practice which isn’t easy. However, some movements of the practice help to remind us of the abs and to tone the belly. For example, lifting half-way up from a forward fold can only have one purpose, that of drawing in the abdomen and creating that cavity in the belly.

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21 Breaths To Fix Everything

21 Breaths To Fix Everything

I’m reading a book about the breath. Not an unusual thing for a yoga teacher… but this isn’t a humourless pranayama book. The author, Oliver James is a ‘breath expert and body-led psychotherapist’ who has studied all kinds of ‘schools of breath’: “Holotropic Breath; Transformational Breath; Quantum Light Breath; Shamanic Breath; Wim Hof Method”… an expanding list of breath expertise.

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Kindness Pandemic

Kindness Pandemic

At the vaccination centre this week, a lady who just had her first jab was almost in tears of joy, her voice was high and quivery. Her body showed all of her emotions and conveyed how much she could have used a big hug… which is impossible! It made me think of the Emotional Body (did you know we have four bodies: the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental bodies?) and how uncontrollably present and visible our emotions can be.

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