Tai Chi For Meditation

Tai Chi For Meditation

I’ve been teaching a bit of Tai Chi for meditation in class this week. It’s how I meditate so I thought I’d pass it on. When I found it, my whole meditation practiced relaxed… perhaps it even started right there. Before finding a meditation technique that suits you, it’s a bit of a desperate concentration. This changed meditation for me from effort to non-effort.

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Plot Twist! Hamlet Meditates!

Plot Twist! Hamlet Meditates!

I saw Hamlet yesterday and it strikes me that Hamlet doesn’t have mental health issues! Like Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, he is faced with an impossible task and has a melt-down. Who wouldn’t if their recently murdered father’s ghost appeared and demanded revenge by the killing of their uncle, the mother’s husband? Arjuna is the same in the Bhagavad Gita - he has to kill an opposing army of uncles and cousins or be killed… and so has a melt-down. Of course he does!

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